Holiday Recipes

Holiday Recipes

In this category you will find recipes specific for Holidays.  You can also find them under the other appropriate category.  Like the Pink Hot Chocolate will be under Valentine’s Day and under Beverages.

I am currently, slowly, building up my “repertoire” on Holiday Dishes/Recipes.  I have included Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Patriotic Holidays (which include Memorial Day, July 4th, Veteran’s Day, or any other holiday that you would like to make red, white and blue themed foods), Halloween, Thanksgiving, and last, but definitely not least, Christmas.

I am slowly building the Holiday Food Category.  Each holiday at a time.  I will try to add beverages, main meals, snacks and desserts for each holiday.

Till then, enjoy the following foods that you may find in the Holiday Recipes!!

If you would like to see my Pinterest Board including mine and many others pins (recipes). Open your Pinterest App, hit the “camera icon” in the search bar, aim it at the pincode.  It will take you there.

Easter Peep Cake My Way

Easter Peep Cake My Way

Easter Peep Cake My Way Have you seen all the different ways on the web and mainly Pinterest you can make a “Peep” cake using the classic Marshmallow Treat, Peeps?  Love.them.  Here is my version of a Easter Peep Cake. You have many different ways you can use these little […]

St Patricks Candy Dipped Oreos

St Patricks Candy Dipped Oreos

St Patricks Candy Dipped Oreos Another holiday gives me yet another reason to bake goodies, just like St Patricks Day Dipped Oreos. Having Irish in me and all, I like St. Patrick’s Day. But not just because I’m Irish. It’s one of those holidays that has no “present buying” attached […]

The New Green Bean Casserole by

The NEW Green Bean Casserole

The NEW Green Bean Casserole Do you like Green Bean Casserole?  Do you only eat it for Thanksgiving?  Why?  I’ve made it several times throughout the year. Most people just associate it with Thanksgiving. My daughter and I came up with a new way to make this.  Instead of using […]

Overhead view of a plate of Valentine Brownies.

Valentine Brownies

Be my Valentine Brownies are easy to make last minute. Using brownie box mix, M&Ms, and some cute sprinkles. Anyone can make these! Updated 01/07/2021 Which is better, fudgy brownies or cake like brownies? If you want more fudgy like brownies, add more fat. Like butter or chocolate. If a […]