Bobbie AKA “G”
Hi and thanks for coming by!! I hope you stay a few and get inspired to either make my recipes…or come up with some variations and make it your own. Feel free to share with me any change/subs/additions you make. I would love to hear new ideas.
About me….I love to cook and create recipes. Other recipes inspire me and make me think of what I can do to make it different and customize it for me. I have food restrictions, therefore, will cut/substitute certain ingredients to accommodate. You’ll still find me making recipes for my peeps that I can eat, but you’ll see a lot of recipes won’t have citrus fruits and/or garlic, spicy ingredients.
You’ll find that I like to keep my posts brief so you can see what you came to see….the recipe.
I don’t like looking for hard to find ingredients, so most of what you need to make my dishes are common ingredients. I also tend to take the fastest route to same time (time is precious), but occasionally you’ll see some more time consuming recipes.
Cheesecakes are the best, especially the no bake, but a few of my other favs are peanut butter, tater tots and most importantly bacon. Can you really ever have too much bacon? (Don’t ask your doctor) I also can’t have certain foods, so you’ll see that I try to make variations of recipes that don’t have citrus, i.e. lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruit or tomatoes.
Not so good news..
Here’s the not so good part…I hate all the stuff you have to put on these posts before getting down to the real reason you’re here…the recipe. But if you’re gonna find it out there searching, I have to do my due diligence and make it “findable”.
I’m a down to earth chick for the most part. <wink wink>
Rock on
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