Holiday Recipes
In this category you will find recipes specific for Holidays. You can also find them under the other appropriate category. Like the Pink Hot Chocolate will be under Valentine’s Day and under Beverages.
I am currently, slowly, building up my “repertoire” on Holiday Dishes/Recipes. I have included Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Patriotic Holidays (which include Memorial Day, July 4th, Veteran’s Day, or any other holiday that you would like to make red, white and blue themed foods), Halloween, Thanksgiving, and last, but definitely not least, Christmas.
I am slowly building the Holiday Food Category. Each holiday at a time. I will try to add beverages, main meals, snacks and desserts for each holiday.
Till then, enjoy the following foods that you may find in the Holiday Recipes!!
If you would like to see my Pinterest Board including mine and many others pins (recipes). Open your Pinterest App, hit the “camera icon” in the search bar, aim it at the pincode. It will take you there.